Arthur Iyok

Born on the 28th September in the late 80's in Buea, Cameroon, Arthur Ernest Tala Iyok is a talented upcoming actor from the SouthWest Region. He attended his primary school at Nusery school Buea Town, and also Saint Theresa Bilingual Primary School Molyko. He went to secondary and high school at Bishop Rogan Collage where he did 7 years. He attended the UNIVERSITY of BUEA where he studied Political science, after which he attended the Institute of Comercial Management, England, with a diploma in HR, at Panafric Buea. He got into the film industry in 2008 with his first movie entitled 'The Company' Directed by Jude Ebile where he played the role of Ryan Lyonga.
Being an Actor and a Producer, (Zachrose Entertainment) He produced his first movie "Whispers" which was on ecans noirs festival last year, got 5 nominations at the Sonnah Awards and 3 at the Cammovies Merit Awards. He is also the co-producer of "A Little Lie A Little Kill" still to be released where he also acted. He also featured in movies such as 'Family Tussle', 'Far', 'A Little Lie A Little kill', 'Blind instinct', 'Votary', 'Loosers Game', 'House of triplets', 'Risky', and 'Bara Extravaganza'.
He has featured on Cammovies classification in the top 20 leading cameroonian actors and has no award as an actor yet.
In the Cameroon Film Industry, he looks up to figures like Achile Brice, Anurin N, Emile Yiban, Agbor Gilbert, Ivan Namme, Nkanya Nkwain, and Victor Viyouh. Out of Cameroon, he loves Ramsy Noah, Richard Morphy Damijo
Arthur Iyok is currently a Human Resource consultant, Freelance and runs his personal business. He is In a serious relationship with no kids, and is based in Buea.